Thursday 23 July 2009

The Royal Welsh Show

As you know this is our first trip to the biggest agricultural show in Europe- a great show but the weather has been to say the least a bit damp and muddy, its interesting to see how we each tackled the conditions... Lotto opted for the country boot, Helz kept her youthful credentials in trainers , and I went for the ageing hippy crocks and rolled up cargoes option, well it may be wet but it's not cold!

This was also the first outing for our market stall rather than the gazebo, the thinking being to keep things a bit cooler without a roof, not so necessary after all.. look out for the same stall over the weekend at the CLA Game fair

for those who don't work at these events, spare a thought for us- up at 5am, load and leave by 6am, set up and be ready with a smile for 9am- work, wander around, eat, etc and work a bit more, pack up at 7pm drive back to the eggshed for 9pm unpack and get in for 10 thirty.. back up at 5am- anyone else reminded of Groundhog day?

So as a treat we decided to camp this weekend! if the experts are right we may be in for a bit of luck with the rain moving away, fingers crossed, what ever it'll all be a bit of an adventure! see you there

PS anyone other than Hols notice my mistake Sea Sick Steve, not Sid!! sorry think my mind had drifted back to - hissing Sid!

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