Tuesday 15 September 2009

Monmouth-Eggstravegganza- Plumb Fair

Been a bit of a to-ing and frow-ing time these last few weeks with an event either happening or just on the horizon so not found much time to sit in front of the computer, sorry, will try to catch up a bit....

....following a relatively quiet few days since last posting on the blog, Thursday August 27th found us at the Monmouth Show, a lovely 'proper' show - for the begining of what has turned out to be a sell out tour. I still find it hard to comprehend the fact that it is just one day, they have show jumping, dog shows and just about every farm animal on show, crafts, cars, farm machinery, whilst in the queue to leave I spotted this rather superior looking goat checking out the competition- we had a lovely day and to top it off we sold out thank you, also congratulations to Sal & Rog friends from Neil's childhood who won best stand in their classdisplaying their restored pine furniture.

Cheltenham Farmers' market on Friday was another sell out, unusual for a Bank holiday weekend, maybe the plaudits are right and less of us are going away this year, whatever the cause it was a delight !

On Saturday the 29th we held our second Eggstravegganza here at the eggshed, a bright warm day with a good flow of visitors throughout the day, unfortunately camera died so no pics this time, but the highlight of the day was the arrival of a gang of four who had driven from London to give one of their party the surprise of his life... a dedicated Scotch Egg fan he had just arrived from Australia and thought he was going to his daughters in Cardiff for a holiday , instead they brought him here to make his own and to feed his enthusiasm... thanks guys you made the day! hope to see the pictures some time soon.

Bank Holiday Monday saw a return to Pershore, this time for the renowned Plumb Festival, another warm sunny day, the town had ' gone to town' with ballons tied to lamp posts and something happening in almost every nook and cranny and I cannot remember seeing quite so many vintage/classic cars on display before. A great atmosphere and another sell out, a hat trick I believe.

No sooner back in the office than we were off to Burghley Horse Trials on Wednesday evening, a new one for us, which turned out to be one of the nicest (is 'nice' a compliment do you think? It's meant to be) of the year.

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